MR. IDC 8425 David Bruce Fretz, NPI 1508948001
Personal Emergency Response Attendant in Fpo, US, US

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NPI number: what is it?

The NPI, or National Provider Identifier, is a non-repeatable number for health care providers. The NPI always consists of 10 digits and is used for administrative and financial procedures. The NPI wa...

NPI 1508948001
NPI Entity Type Individual
Provider Name MR. IDC 8425 David Bruce Fretz
Enumeration Date September 30, 2009
Last Update Date September 30, 2009
Provider Location Address Uss Mobile Bay Cg 53, Fpo, US, US
Provider Mailing Address 1212 Leyte Rd, Coronado, CA, US, 921183107
Is Sole Proprietor? No
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Primary Taxonomy

Taxonomy Code


Taxonomy Name Personal Emergency Response Attendant

Personal Emergency Response Attendant


Emergency Medical Service Providers

Description Individuals that are specially trained to assist patients living at home with urgent/emergent situations. These individuals must be able to perform CPR and basic first aid and have sufficient counseling skills to allay fears and assist in working through processes necessary to resolve the crisis. Functions may include transportation to various facilities and businesses, contacting agencies to initiate remediation service or providing reassurance.

Other Name

MR. IDC 8425 David Bruce Fretz
Professional Name

Business Address

MR. IDC 8425 David Bruce Fretz
Uss Mobile Bay Cg 53

Fpo, US, US

Phone: 619-556-4576

Mailing Address

MR. IDC 8425 David Bruce Fretz
1212 Leyte Rd
Coronado, CA, US
ZIP 921183107
Phone: 619-522-0807

Other Providers in US, US

NPI Name Taxonomy Address


DR. PHARM D Lesley M. Birdwell



Psc 80 Box 10237

Apo, US


IDC Luis F Cordova


Independent Duty Corpsman

1st Medical Battalion 1st Marine Logistic Group

Camp Pendleton

Fpo, US


Robert Joseph Coddington


Independent Duty Corpsman

Uss Wasp Lhd 1

Fpo, US


DR. PHARMD Nicole Lewis Montanye



Naval Hospital Pharmacy

Fpo, US


MR. IDC 8425 David Bruce Fretz


Personal Emergency Response Attendant

Uss Mobile Bay Cg 53

Fpo, US

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Do students and interns need an NPI number? 

Each health care provider is assigned a unique identification number — NPI. All health care providers are eligible for this number. They can be various medical organizations, hospitals, pharmacies, nu...

Why do nurses need NPI?

Perhaps you are studying or have already graduated in nursing services? Either way, you will need to get a lot of certifications and licenses before you start your practice, including if you will be p...

History of NPI

NPI (national provider identifier) is a medical breakthrough.  In this article, you will get a closer look at this concept: history of NPI number, meaning of NPI number.

How to obtain, renew, or terminate an NPI

Every health care provider, whether it’s a hospital, pharmacy, or individual specialist, must obtain their own NPI number. This identification number is unique and is assigned upon application. In tod...