The NPI, or National Provider Identifier, is a non-repeatable number for health care providers. The NPI always consists of 10 digits and is used for administrative and financial procedures. The NPI wa...
NPI | 1316561913 |
NPI Entity Type | Individual |
Provider Name | MD Nalinee Premasathian |
Enumeration Date | September 30, 2009 |
Last Update Date | September 30, 2009 |
Certification Date | September 30, 2009 |
Provider Location Address | 16 Pruksachard Ramkumhang 118 Yak 22 Sapansoong, Bangkok, BANGKOK, TH |
Provider Mailing Address | 16 Pruksachard Ramkumhang 118 Yak 22, Bangkok, BANGKOK, TH, 10240 |
Gender | Female |
Is Sole Proprietor? | Yes |
Taxonomy Code | |
Taxonomy Name | Train |
Classification | |
Group | |
Description | An organization or business licensed to provide passenger train service, including light rail, subway, and traditional services. |
Endpoint Type | Endpoint | Description | Use | Content Type | Affiliation | Location |
OTHERS | | hospital | DIRECT | OTHER | Yes | 16 Pruksachard Ramkumhang 118 yak 22 Sapansoong, Bangkok, BANGKOK, TH |
OTHERS | | DIRECT | OTHER | No | 16 Pruksachard Ramkumhang 118 yak 22 Sapansoong, Bangkok, BANGKOK, TH |
NPI | Name | Taxonomy | Address |
DR. MD Denla Pandejpong Individual |
229/2 Petkasem102 Road Bangkaenure, Bangkae |
MD Nalinee Premasathian Individual |
16 Pruksachard Ramkumhang 118 Yak 22 Sapansoong |
M.D. Rath Itthipanichpong Individual |
1873 Rama 4 Road, Lumpini, Pathumwan King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital Ophthalmology Dep. |
P.p.a.medical Group Co., Ltd Organization |
89/9 Thanaporn Bld Floor1-2 Vibhavadee Rangsit Road Sanambin |
M.D. Yotsawee Sanguanjin Individual |
Student in an Organized Health Care Education/Training Program |
125 Sirindhorn Soi 9 Rd Bangbumru Bangplad |
MR. M.D. Tatpong Chit-ua-aree Individual |
33 Sukhumvit 3 (soi Nana Nua) Wattana |
MD, DTM&H, FAAFP Nick Walters Individual |
Bangkok Adventist Hospital 430 Pitsanuloke Road |
LCSW Lynn Patricia Kamara Individual |
10 Sukhumvit Soi 22 #18a2 |
Each health care provider is assigned a unique identification number — NPI. All health care providers are eligible for this number. They can be various medical organizations, hospitals, pharmacies, nu...
Perhaps you are studying or have already graduated in nursing services? Either way, you will need to get a lot of certifications and licenses before you start your practice, including if you will be p...
NPI (national provider identifier) is a medical breakthrough. In this article, you will get a closer look at this concept: history of NPI number, meaning of NPI number.
Every health care provider, whether it’s a hospital, pharmacy, or individual specialist, must obtain their own NPI number. This identification number is unique and is assigned upon application. In tod...