The NPI, or National Provider Identifier, is a non-repeatable number for health care providers. The NPI always consists of 10 digits and is used for administrative and financial procedures. The NPI wa...
NPI | 1275053712 |
NPI Entity Type | Individual |
Provider Name | MD Athena Mikros |
Enumeration Date | September 30, 2009 |
Last Update Date | September 30, 2009 |
Certification Date | September 30, 2009 |
Provider Location Address | Usnh Yokosuka, Inaokacho, 82, Yokosuka, KANAGAWA, JP |
Provider Mailing Address | Psc 475 Box 1375, Fpo, AP, US, 963501375 |
Gender | Female |
Is Sole Proprietor? | No |
Taxonomy Code | |
Taxonomy Name | Emergency Medicine Physician |
Classification | |
Group | |
License No. | 2021-0311 |
License State | NC |
Description | An emergency physician focuses on the immediate decision making and action necessary to prevent death or any further disability both in the pre-hospital setting by directing emergency medical technicians and in the emergency department. The emergency physician provides immediate recognition, evaluation, care, stabilization and disposition of a generally diversified population of adult and pediatric patients in response to acute illness and injury. |
NPI | Name | Taxonomy | Address |
DMD Long Kenneth Khuu Individual |
Usnh Yokosuka Inaokacho, 82 |
Charleen Mcduffie Individual |
701-7-158-3 Hanasaki Cho Nishi Ku |
PA-C Emily Grace Ritsema Individual |
Usnh Yokosuka Inaokacho, 82 |
MD Athena Mikros Individual |
Usnh Yokosuka Inaokacho, 82 |
MD Michelle Tamayo Dentinger Individual |
Usnh Yokosuka Inaokacho, 82 |
MD Jennifer Nicole Bowman Individual |
Usnh Yokosuka Naval Base Yokosuka |
MR. M.D. Lawrence William Reinish Individual |
Us Nmrtc Yokosuka |
M.D. Derrick Colmenar Individual |
82 Inaokacho |
The Janz Corporation Organization |
Nex Yokosuka Honcho Yokosucka Bldg 3316 G27 |
DR. PHD Alexandria Kucera Individual |
238-0001 Kanagawa |
MS. RN Tomoe Watanabe Individual |
2-13-25 Sobudai |
MR. IDC Salvador Hernandez JR. Individual |
Atg Wp Psc 473 Bx 16 Eng Dept. |
Each health care provider is assigned a unique identification number — NPI. All health care providers are eligible for this number. They can be various medical organizations, hospitals, pharmacies, nu...
Perhaps you are studying or have already graduated in nursing services? Either way, you will need to get a lot of certifications and licenses before you start your practice, including if you will be p...
NPI (national provider identifier) is a medical breakthrough. In this article, you will get a closer look at this concept: history of NPI number, meaning of NPI number.
Every health care provider, whether it’s a hospital, pharmacy, or individual specialist, must obtain their own NPI number. This identification number is unique and is assigned upon application. In tod...