Taxonomy Code 323P00000X(323p00000x)
Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility. Providers: 10

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Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility Providers

NPI Name Type Address


Cornell Abraxas Group Inc


437 W 6th St

Erie, PA


Cornell Abraxas Group Inc.


429 W 6th St

Erie, PA


Harborcreek Youth Services


3120 Peach St

Mccormick House

Erie, PA


Harborcreek Youth Services


8171 Edinboro Rd

Erie, PA


Harborcreek Youth Services


138 W 25th St

Sr. Louis House

Erie, PA


Harborcreek Youth Services


1052 W 26th St

West 26th Street House

Erie, PA


Millcreek Community Hospital


5515 Peach St

Erie, PA


Perseus House Inc


643 E 6th St

Erie, PA


Perseus House Inc.


1511 Peach St

Erie, PA


Perseus House, Inc


516 W 7th St

Erie, PA

How to obtain, renew, or terminate an NPI

Every health care provider, whether it’s a hospital, pharmacy, or individual specialist, must obtain their own NPI number. This identification number is unique and is assigned upon application. In tod...

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Taxonomy Code 323P00000X
Display Name Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility
Taxonomy Group Residential Treatment Facilities
Taxonomy Classification Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility
Definition A residential treatment facility (RTF) is a facility or distinct part of a facility that provides to children and adolescents, a total, twenty-four hour, therapeutically planned group living and learning situation where distinct and individualized psychotherapeutic interventions can take place. Residential treatment is a specific level of care to be differentiated from acute, intermediate, and long-term hospital care, when the least restrictive environment is maintained to allow for normalization of the patient's surroundings. The RTF must be both physically and programmatically distinct if it is a part or subunit of a larger treatment program. An RTF is organized and professionally staffed to provide residential treatment of mental disorders to children and adolescents who have sufficient intellectual potential to respond to active treatment (that is, for whom it can reasonably be assumed that treatment of the mental disorder will result in an improved ability to function outside the RTF) for whom outpatient treatment, partial hospitalization or protected and structured environment is medically or psychologically necessary
Effective Date September 30, 2009
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