Taxonomy Code 302R00000X(302r00000x)
Health Maintenance Organization. Providers: 12

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Health Maintenance Organization Providers

NPI Name Type Address


Premier Life Wellness Llc


1625 Addison Ave E

Twin Falls, ID


Edgewater Dental


1436 S Edgewater Cir

Nampa, ID


Edward H Newcombe


2036 N Cole Rd

Boise, ID


Center Case Management And Dd Services Llc


4460 Central Way

Suite 4

Chubbuck, ID


Center Case Management & Dd Services Llc


4460 Central Way Ste 4

Chubbuck, ID


Business Psychology Associates


380 E Parkcenter Blvd

Suite 300

Boise, ID


Caring Hands Home Health Care


3695 S Gekeler Ln Apt 15

Boise, ID


Idaho In-home Health & Social Services Llc


37 W Sunset Cir

Rexburg, ID


Michael A. Bloom D.m.d. Pllc


9928 N Government Way

Hayden Lake, ID


Westfall Ventures, Inc


2572 N. Stokesberry Pl

Meridian, ID


Healthier Bodies


1904 Addison Ave E

Twin Falls, ID


Jan Sund Fnp,pc


496 Shoup Ave W Ste C

Twin Falls, ID

How to obtain, renew, or terminate an NPI

Every health care provider, whether it’s a hospital, pharmacy, or individual specialist, must obtain their own NPI number. This identification number is unique and is assigned upon application. In tod...

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Taxonomy Code 302R00000X
Display Name Health Maintenance Organization
Taxonomy Group Managed Care Organizations
Taxonomy Classification Health Maintenance Organization
Definition (1) A form of health insurance in which its members prepay a premium for the HMO's health services which generally include inpatient and ambulatory care. For the patient, an HMO means reduced out-of-pocket costs (i.e. no deductible), no paperwork (i.e. insurance forms), and only a small copayment for each office visit to cover the paperwork handled by the HMO; (2) A organization of health care personnel and facilities that provides a comprehensive range of health services to an enrolled population for a fixed sum of money paid in advance for a specified period of time. These health services include a wide variety of medical treatments and consults, inpatient and outpatient hospitalization, home health service, ambulance service, and sometimes dental and pharmacy services. The HMO may be organized as a group model, an individual practice association (IPA), a network model or a staff model.
Effective Date September 30, 2009
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