Taxonomy Code 302R00000X(302r00000x)
Health Maintenance Organization. Providers: 6

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Health Maintenance Organization Providers

NPI Name Type Address


Seasons Assisted Living


2424 Ventura Dr

Arlington, TX


Jod Home Health Care Service Llc


1506 White Willow Ln

Arlington, TX


Horizon Healthcare Management Group


6701 Victory Crest Dr # C

Arlington, TX


Optical Concepts


5975 S Cooper St Ste 121

Arlington, TX


Gavi Healthcare Management Group Inc.


6701 Victory Crest Dr

Arlington, TX


Amerigroup Texas, Inc.


1200 E Copeland Rd

Suite 200

Arlington, TX

How to obtain, renew, or terminate an NPI

Every health care provider, whether it’s a hospital, pharmacy, or individual specialist, must obtain their own NPI number. This identification number is unique and is assigned upon application. In tod...

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Taxonomy Code 302R00000X
Display Name Health Maintenance Organization
Taxonomy Group Managed Care Organizations
Taxonomy Classification Health Maintenance Organization
Definition (1) A form of health insurance in which its members prepay a premium for the HMO's health services which generally include inpatient and ambulatory care. For the patient, an HMO means reduced out-of-pocket costs (i.e. no deductible), no paperwork (i.e. insurance forms), and only a small copayment for each office visit to cover the paperwork handled by the HMO; (2) A organization of health care personnel and facilities that provides a comprehensive range of health services to an enrolled population for a fixed sum of money paid in advance for a specified period of time. These health services include a wide variety of medical treatments and consults, inpatient and outpatient hospitalization, home health service, ambulance service, and sometimes dental and pharmacy services. The HMO may be organized as a group model, an individual practice association (IPA), a network model or a staff model.
Effective Date September 30, 2009
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Other Taxonomy Codes

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Physiological Laboratory

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Sports Physical Therapist

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Molecular Genetic Pathology (Medical Genetics) Physician

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Non-Surgical Family Planning Clinic/Center

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MOHS-Micrographic Surgery Physician

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Respiratory/Developmental/Rehabilitative Specialist/Technologist

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Glaucoma Specialist (Ophthalmology) Physician

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Obesity Medicine (Psychiatry & Neurology) Physician

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Adolescent Medicine (Family Medicine) Physician

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