Taxonomy Code 302F00000X(302f00000x)
Exclusive Provider Organization. Providers: 9

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Exclusive Provider Organization Providers

NPI Name Type Address


MSW Mary Catherine Quigley


2440 M St Nw Ste 429

Washington, DC


Brava Corporation


7606 16th St Nw

Washington, DC


Wendt Center


5321 1st Pl Ne

Washington, DC


Franciscan Healthcare


1400 Quincy St Ne

Washington, DC


Marc J Holzman


2021 K St Nw

Suite 416

Washington, DC


G & K Health Care Professionals Llc


7700 Alaska Ave Nw

Washington, DC


Aba Provider Services


1414 Vst Nw

Apartment 408

Washington, DC


Peter E. Lavine, M.d.


1145 19th St Nw

Suite 710

Washington, DC


Community Support Network Of Greater Dc


1411 H St Ne

Washington, DC

How to obtain, renew, or terminate an NPI

Every health care provider, whether it’s a hospital, pharmacy, or individual specialist, must obtain their own NPI number. This identification number is unique and is assigned upon application. In tod...

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Taxonomy Code 302F00000X
Display Name Exclusive Provider Organization
Taxonomy Group Managed Care Organizations
Taxonomy Classification Exclusive Provider Organization
Definition (1) An EPO is a form of PPO, in which patients must visit a caregiver that is specified on its panel of providers (is a participating provider). If a visit to an outside(not participating) provider is made the EPO offers very limited or no coverage for the medical service; (2) While similar to a PPO in that an EPO allows patients to go outside the network for care, if they do so in an EPO, they are required to pay the entire cost of care. An EPO differs from an HMO in that EPO physicians do not receive capitation but instead are reimbursed only for actual services provided; (3) An organization identical to a preferred provider organization except that persons enrolled in the plan are eligible to receive benefits only when they use the services of the contracting providers. No benefits are available when non-contracting providers are used, except in certain emergency situations.
Effective Date September 30, 2009
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