Taxonomy Code 291U00000X(291u00000x)
Clinical Medical Laboratory. Providers: 3

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Clinical Medical Laboratory Providers

NPI Name Type Address


DR. PH.D. Richard Albert Stripp


586 New York Ave

Unit 2

Huntington, NY


Guardian Clinical Laboratories Llc


232 E Main St

Suite 1

Huntington, NY


American Forensic Toxicology Services Llc


789 Park Ave

Huntington, NY

How to obtain, renew, or terminate an NPI

Every health care provider, whether it’s a hospital, pharmacy, or individual specialist, must obtain their own NPI number. This identification number is unique and is assigned upon application. In tod...

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Taxonomy Code 291U00000X
Display Name Clinical Medical Laboratory
Taxonomy Group Laboratories
Taxonomy Classification Clinical Medical Laboratory
Definition (1) A clinical laboratory is a facility for the biological, microbiological, serological, chemical, immunohematological, hematological, biophysical, cytological, pathological, or other examination of materials derived from the human body for the purpose of providing information for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of any disease or impairment of, human beings. These examinations also include procedures to determine, measure, or otherwise describe the presence or absence of various substances or organisms in the body. Facilities only collecting or preparing specimens (or both) or only serving as a mailing service and not performing testing are not considered clinical laboratories. (2) Any facility that examines materials from the human body for purposes of providing information for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of any disease or impairment of, or the assessment of, the health of human beings. Typical divisions of a clinical laboratory include hematology, cytology, bacteriology, histology, biochemistry, medical toxicology, and serology.
Effective Date September 30, 2009
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