Taxonomy Code 282J00000X(282j00000x)
Religious Nonmedical Health Care Institution. Providers: 1

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Religious Nonmedical Health Care Institution Providers

NPI Name Type Address


Charles L. Jahtlohee Rogers Anikutani Head Priest


9250 Mcgregor Ln

Dripping Springs, TX

How to obtain, renew, or terminate an NPI

Every health care provider, whether it’s a hospital, pharmacy, or individual specialist, must obtain their own NPI number. This identification number is unique and is assigned upon application. In tod...

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Taxonomy Code 282J00000X
Display Name Religious Nonmedical Health Care Institution
Taxonomy Group Hospitals
Taxonomy Classification Religious Nonmedical Health Care Institution
Definition Furnishes only nonmedical nursing items and services to patients who choose to rely solely upon a religious method of healing, and for whom the acceptance of medical services would be inconsistent with their religious beliefs. Furnishes nonmedical items and services exclusively through nonmedical nursing personnel who are experienced in caring for the physical needs of nonmedical patients. For example, caring for the physical needs such as assistance with activities of daily living; assistance in moving, positioning, and ambulation; nutritional needs; and comfort and support measures. Furnishes nonmedical items and services to inpatients on a 24-hour basis. Does not furnish, on the basis of religious beliefs, through its personnel or otherwise, medical items and services (including any medical screening, examination, diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, or the administration of drugs) for its patients.
Effective Date September 30, 2009
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