Taxonomy Code 252Y00000X(252y00000x)
Early Intervention Provider Agency. Providers: 9

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Early Intervention Provider Agency Providers

NPI Name Type Address


Maria Campo Inc


5917 69th Pl

2nd Floor

Maspeth, NY


Happy Hearts Headquarter


6906 58th Rd

Maspeth, NY


Rosa Morabito


6269 60th Rd

Maspeth, NY


Stacy Adams


5807 66th St

Maspeth, NY


Almaz Botros


60-47 55 Street


Maspeth, NY


Morabito Inc.


6269 60th Rd

Maspeth, NY


Little Voices Speech And Language Therapy Pc


5346 69th St

Maspeth, NY


Heather Ann Zimmermann


5965 57th Dr

Maspeth, NY


Firebird Solutions, Inc.


7210 Caldwell Ave Fl 3

Maspeth, NY

How to obtain, renew, or terminate an NPI

Every health care provider, whether it’s a hospital, pharmacy, or individual specialist, must obtain their own NPI number. This identification number is unique and is assigned upon application. In tod...

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Taxonomy Code 252Y00000X
Display Name Early Intervention Provider Agency
Taxonomy Group Agencies
Taxonomy Classification Early Intervention Provider Agency
Definition Early intervention services are an effective way to address the needs of infants and toddlers who have developmental delays or disabilities. The services are made available through a federal law known as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). IDEA provides states and territories with specific requirements for providing early intervention services to infants and toddlers with special needs. In turn, each state and territory develops its own policies for carrying out IDEA and its requirements. Broadly speaking, early intervention services are special services for eligible infants and toddlers and their families. These services are designed to identify and meet children's needs in five developmental areas. These areas are: physical development, cognitive development, communication, social or emotional development, and adaptive development.
Effective Date September 30, 2009
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Other Taxonomy Codes

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Cardiovascular Specialist/Technologist

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Surgical Oncology Physician

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Orthopaedic Surgery Physician

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Glaucoma Specialist (Ophthalmology) Physician

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School Counselor

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Physician Assistant

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Occupational Health Registered Nurse

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