Taxonomy Code 251E00000X(251e00000x)
Home Health Agency. Providers: 3

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Home Health Agency Providers

NPI Name Type Address


Supportive Learning Care


N1886 Junction Ln

Berlin, WI


Rivocare Llc


123 S Pearl St

Berlin, WI


Brown Wilcox Trustees, Inc.


347 East Huron Street

Berlin, WI

How to obtain, renew, or terminate an NPI

Every health care provider, whether it’s a hospital, pharmacy, or individual specialist, must obtain their own NPI number. This identification number is unique and is assigned upon application. In tod...

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Taxonomy Code 251E00000X
Display Name Home Health Agency
Taxonomy Group Agencies
Taxonomy Classification Home Health
Definition A public agency or private organization, or a subdivision of such an agency or organization, that is primarily engaged in providing skilled nursing services and other therapeutic services, such as physical therapy, speech-language pathology services, or occupational therapy, medical social services, and home health aide services. It has policies established by a professional group associated with the agency or organization (including at least one physician and one registered nurse) to govern the services and provides for supervision of such services by a physician or a registered nurse; maintains clinical records on all patients; is licensed in accordance with State or local law or is approved by the State or local licensing agency as meeting the licensing standards, where applicable; and meets other conditions found by the Secretary of Health and Human Services to be necessary for health and safety.
Effective Date September 30, 2009
Modification Date September 30, 2009
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Other Taxonomy Codes

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Molecular Genetic Pathology (Medical Genetics) Physician

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Infusion Therapy Clinic/Center

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Pediatric Nephrology Physician

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Assistant Health Information Record Technician

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Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities Psychologist

103TM1800X • providers: 886

Lactation Consultant (Registered Nurse)

163WL0100X • providers: 2,526

Eye Bank

332G00000X • providers: 14

Medicare Defined Swing Bed Hospital Unit

275N00000X • providers: 1,785

Parenteral & Enteral Nutrition Supplies (DME)

332BP3500X • providers: 554

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (D.M.D.)

204E00000X • providers: 1,643

Cytopathology Physician

207ZC0500X • providers: 452

Pediatric Transplant Hepatology Physician

2080T0004X • providers: 31

Eyewear Supplier

332H00000X • providers: 13,404

Optometric Technician

156FX1202X • providers: 52

Diabetes Educator Registered Nurse

163WD0400X • providers: 1,898

Ambulatory Care Pharmacist

1835P2201X • providers: 2,554


176B00000X • providers: 5,657

Basic Emergency Medical Technician

146N00000X • providers: 1,363

Lithotripsy Clinic/Center

261QL0400X • providers: 195