Taxonomy Code 251B00000X(251b00000x)
Case Management Agency. Providers: 8

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Case Management Agency Providers

NPI Name Type Address


Johnson County Aaa


11811 S Sunset Dr

Suite 1300

Olathe, KS


MRS. LMSW Carla Jean Cooper


15419 S Summertree Ln

Olathe, KS


Carla J. Cooper


16216 S Avalon St

Olathe, KS


Carla J. Cooper, Tcm


16216 S, Avalon St.

Olathe, KS


Melinda Alleyne


1840 E 153rd Cir

Olathe, KS


Brighter Days Case Management,inc.


997 N Clinton St

Olathe, KS


Community Connection, Llc


11300 W 175th St

Olathe, KS


Dreamzz 2 Reality


1157 E Yesteryear Dr

Olathe, KS

How to obtain, renew, or terminate an NPI

Every health care provider, whether it’s a hospital, pharmacy, or individual specialist, must obtain their own NPI number. This identification number is unique and is assigned upon application. In tod...

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Taxonomy Code 251B00000X
Display Name Case Management Agency
Taxonomy Group Agencies
Taxonomy Classification Case Management
Definition An organization that is responsible for providing case management services. The agency provides services which assist an individual in gaining access to needed medical, social, educational, and/or other services. Case management services may be used to locate, coordinate, and monitor necessary appropriate services. It may be used to encourage the use of cost-effective medical care by referrals to appropriate providers and to discourage over utilization of costly services. Case management may also serve to provide necessary coordination of non-medical services such as vocational rehabilitation, education, employment, when the services provided enable the individual to function at the highest level.
Effective Date September 30, 2009
Modification Date September 30, 2009
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