Taxonomy Code 235Z00000X(235z00000x)
Speech-Language Pathologist. Providers: 8

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Speech-Language Pathologist Providers

NPI Name Type Address


MRS. CCC-SLP Morgan Jane Dickey


2000 S Main St

Fairfield, IA


M.S. CCC-SLP Michelle Boeding-kreuter


1000 Hillcrest Dr

Fairfield, IA


MS. M.A., SLP Jennifer J Howe


2000 South Main Street

Jefferson County Health Center

Fairfield, IA


M.A., CCC, SLP Virginia Van Auken


900 W Broadway Ave

Fairfield, IA


SLP Abby Jo Golden


2000 S Main St

Fairfield, IA


MS. CCC- SLP Kathryn A Vickers


1203 S Main St

Fairfield, IA


CF-SLP Suzane Moore


2000 S Main St

Fairfield, IA


SLP Sarah Jo Chaney


402 W Burlington Ave

Ste 200

Fairfield, IA

How to obtain, renew, or terminate an NPI

Every health care provider, whether it’s a hospital, pharmacy, or individual specialist, must obtain their own NPI number. This identification number is unique and is assigned upon application. In tod...

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Taxonomy Code 235Z00000X
Display Name Speech-Language Pathologist
Taxonomy Group Speech, Language and Hearing Service Providers
Taxonomy Classification Speech-Language Pathologist
Definition The speech-language pathologist is the professional who engages in clinical services, prevention, advocacy, education, administration, and research in the areas of communication and swallowing across the life span from infancy through geriatrics. Speech-language pathologists address typical and atypical impairments and disorders related to communication and swallowing in the areas of speech sound production, resonance, voice, fluency, language (comprehension and expression), cognition, and feeding and swallowing.
Effective Date September 30, 2009
Modification Date September 30, 2009
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