Taxonomy Code 226300000X(226300000x)
Kinesiotherapist. Providers: 1

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Kinesiotherapist Providers

NPI Name Type Address


MS. PT Sheryll Baranda Bajamundi


1600 Saint Georges Ave

Suite 107

Rahway, NJ

How to obtain, renew, or terminate an NPI

Every health care provider, whether it’s a hospital, pharmacy, or individual specialist, must obtain their own NPI number. This identification number is unique and is assigned upon application. In tod...

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Taxonomy Code 226300000X
Display Name Kinesiotherapist
Taxonomy Group Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers
Taxonomy Classification Kinesiotherapist
Definition A provider trained and educated in the applied science of medically prescribed therapeutic exercise, education and adapted physical activities designed to improve the quality of line and health of adults and children by developing physical fitness, increasing mobility and independence, and improving psychosocial behavior. The kinesiotherapist seeks a coach-player relationship in which he/she helps the patient/client reach the goal of becoming an independent, self-sustaining person. Kinesiotherapists, as compared with physical therapists, put more emphasis on geriatric care, reconditioning and fitness, and psychiatric care. A large percentage of kinesiotherapists practice in Veterans Administration hospitals.
Effective Date September 30, 2009
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