Taxonomy Code 225200000X(225200000x)
Physical Therapy Assistant. Providers: 13

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Physical Therapy Assistant Providers

NPI Name Type Address


PTA Brian Kimura


1449 Ygnacio Valley Rd

Walnut Creek, CA


Myla Castillo


1449 Ygnacio Valley Rd

Walnut Creek, CA


MRS. PTA Deanna C Thompson


1224 Rossmoor Pkwy

Walnut Creek, CA


MS. PTA Katherine Marie Utchen


1034 San Souci

Walnut Creek, CA


PTA Cheyanne Sanford


1874 Tice Valley Blvd

Walnut Creek, CA


Richard Florente


450 N Wiget Ln

Walnut Creek, CA


Kristy Moore


1449 Ygnacio Valley Rd

Walnut Creek, CA


Elizabeth Jenniper Roces


1449 Ygnacio Valley Rd

Walnut Creek, CA


Brent Barnett


1449 Ygnacio Valley Rd

Walnut Creek, CA


MR. Jayrod Delos Angeles


120 La Casa Via Ste 212

Walnut Creek, CA


PTA, ATC, CSCS James Donald Faison


1959 Desert Cir Apt 4

Walnut Creek, CA


Samantha Santos Uson


1449 Ygnacio Valley Rd

Walnut Creek, CA


MS. PTA Imonie Lewis


1449 Ygnacio Valley Rd

Walnut Creek, CA

How to obtain, renew, or terminate an NPI

Every health care provider, whether it’s a hospital, pharmacy, or individual specialist, must obtain their own NPI number. This identification number is unique and is assigned upon application. In tod...

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Taxonomy Code 225200000X
Display Name Physical Therapy Assistant
Taxonomy Group Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers
Taxonomy Classification Physical Therapy Assistant
Definition (1)Physical therapist assistants are skilled health care providers who are graduates of a physical therapist assistant associate degree program accredited by an agency recognized by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education or Council on Postsecondary Accreditation, who assists the physical therapist in providing physical therapy. The supervising physical therapist is directly responsible for the actions of the physical therapist assistant. The PTA performs physical therapy procedures and related tasks that have been selected and delegated by the supervising physical therapist. Duties of the PTA include assisting the physical therapist in implementing treatment programs, training patients in exercised and activities of daily living, conducting treatments, and reporting to the physical therapist on the patient's responses. In addition to direct patient care, the PTA may also perform such functions as patient transport, and clinic or equipment preparation and maintenance. Currently more than half of all states require PTAs to be licensed, registered or certified. (2) An individual who works under the supervision of a physical therapist to assist him or her in providing physical therapy services. A physical therapy assistant may, for instance, help patients follow an appropriate exercise program that will increase their strength, endurance, coordination, and range of motion and train patients to perform activities of daily life.
Effective Date September 30, 2009
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