Taxonomy Code 222Q00000X(222q00000x)
Developmental Therapist. Providers: 12

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Developmental Therapist Providers

NPI Name Type Address


MRS. B.S., D.I. Veronica Joyce Creech


1203 American Greeting Rd

Corbin, KY


MRS. BS Kathy Michelle Chadwell


1203 American Greeting Rd

Corbin, KY


BA, QMRP Sandra Lynnette Howard


1203 American Greeting Rd

Corbin, KY


MRS. NBCT Rosemary Robisch Revoir


305 W 5th St

Corbin, KY


MRS. BS Carrie Jane Greiwe


1203 American Greeting Card Rd

Corbin, KY


MRS. BA Amy Jo Linn


1203 American Greeting Rd

Corbin, KY


MRS. BA Andrea Bernice Watts


1203 American Greeting Card Rd

Corbin, KY


MRS. BS Kelli Starr Barnes


1203 American Greeting Card Rd

Corbin, KY


BA Lisa Faye Young


1203 American Greeting Card Rd

Corbin, KY


BS Tammy Lee Ramalho


1203 American Greeting Card Rd

Corbin, KY


BS Sarah Elizabeth Hampton


1203 American Greeting Card Rd

Corbin, KY


Diana Schafer


117 Kelsey Brook Ln

Corbin, KY

How to obtain, renew, or terminate an NPI

Every health care provider, whether it’s a hospital, pharmacy, or individual specialist, must obtain their own NPI number. This identification number is unique and is assigned upon application. In tod...

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Taxonomy Code 222Q00000X
Display Name Developmental Therapist
Taxonomy Group Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers
Taxonomy Classification Developmental Therapist
Definition A Developmental Therapist is a person qualified by completion of an approved program in Developmental Therapy and where applicable credentialed by the state and practicing within the scope of the credential, or credentialed by completion of education experiences as approved by the state and practicing within the scope of that credential or, where state credentialing does not exist, certified by the Board of the Developmental Therapy Association. A developmental therapist evaluates children's global development in order to identify areas of developmental delay whether arising from physiological, neurological, or environmental factors, or a combination of factors; and designs, implements, and modifies therapeutic interventions for the child and the family to promote the child's acquisition of skills in a variety of developmental areas, including cognitive processes and social interaction in order to maximize functional independence and developmental homeostasis, and improve the quality of life at home and in the community; and provides consultation for the parents and other professionals working with the family on global development.
Effective Date September 30, 2009
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