Taxonomy Code 207T00000X(207t00000x)
Neurological Surgery Physician. Providers: 2

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Neurological Surgery Physician Providers

NPI Name Type Address


Bsisa Pllc


12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 101

Live Oak, TX


DR. MD Osama Iqbal Ahmed


12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 101

Live Oak, TX

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Taxonomy Code 207T00000X
Display Name Neurological Surgery Physician
Taxonomy Group Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians
Taxonomy Classification Neurological Surgery
Definition A neurological surgeon provides the operative and non-operative management (i.e., prevention, diagnosis, evaluation, treatment, critical care, and rehabilitation) of disorders of the central, peripheral, and autonomic nervous systems, including their supporting structures and vascular supply; the evaluation and treatment of pathological processes which modify function or activity of the nervous system; and the operative and non-operative management of pain. A neurological surgeon treats patients with disorders of the nervous system; disorders of the brain, meninges, skull, and their blood supply, including the extracranial carotid and vertebral arteries; disorders of the pituitary gland; disorders of the spinal cord, meninges, and vertebral column, including those which may require treatment by spinal fusion or instrumentation; and disorders of the cranial and spinal nerves throughout their distribution.
Effective Date September 30, 2009
Modification Date September 30, 2009
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