Taxonomy Code 176B00000X(176b00000x)
Midwife. Providers: 7

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Midwife Providers

NPI Name Type Address


MRS. LM, CPM Deana Irvine


20 East Cherry Avenue

Flagstaff, AZ


MRS. L.M. Becky Yvonne Weidinger


2679 N Fremont Blvd

Flagstaff, AZ


MRS. LM, CPM Sierra Dawn Helton


7963 Austin Rd

Flagstaff, AZ


CPM, LM Emily Dale


20 E Cherry Ave

Flagstaff, AZ


Flagstaff Birth And Women's Health


401 W Aspen Ave

Flagstaff, AZ


MS. L.M. Margie A Kline


20 E Cherry Ave

Flagstaff, AZ


Womancare Midwifery Associates


20 E Cherry Ave

Flagstaff, AZ

How to obtain, renew, or terminate an NPI

Every health care provider, whether it’s a hospital, pharmacy, or individual specialist, must obtain their own NPI number. This identification number is unique and is assigned upon application. In tod...

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Taxonomy Code 176B00000X
Display Name Midwife
Taxonomy Group Other Service Providers
Taxonomy Classification Midwife
Definition A Midwife is a trained professional with special expertise in supporting women to maintain a healthy pregnancy birth, offering expert individualized care, education, counseling, and support to a woman and her newborn throughout the childbearing cycle. A Midwife is a skilled and independent practitioner who has undergone formalized training. Midwives are not required to be nurses and may be trained via multiple routes of education (apprenticeship, workshop, formal classes, or programs, etc., usually a combination). The educational background requirements and licensing requirements vary by state. The Midwife may or may not be certified by a state or national organization.
Effective Date September 30, 2009
Modification Date September 30, 2009
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Other Taxonomy Codes

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Physiological Laboratory

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Interventional Cardiology Physician

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Ph.D. Medical Genetics

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Otolaryngology/Facial Plastic Surgery Physician

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Respite Care

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EEG Specialist/Technologist

246ZE0500X • providers: 178

Home Health Certified Respiratory Therapist

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Child Physical Disabilities Respite Care

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Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities Residential Treatment Facility

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Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (D.M.D.)

204E00000X • providers: 1,643

Neurology Physician

2084N0400X • providers: 24,585

Forensic Psychologist

103TF0200X • providers: 765

Clinical Molecular Genetics Physician

207SG0203X • providers: 103

Nurse's Aide

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Diplomate Laboratory Management Specialist/Technologist

246QL0901X • providers: 15

Sports Physician Chiropractor

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