Taxonomy Code 175F00000X(175f00000x)
Naturopath. Providers: 1

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Naturopath Providers

NPI Name Type Address


MR. ND John A Catanzaro


5603 230th St Sw

Mtlk Terrace, WA

How to obtain, renew, or terminate an NPI

Every health care provider, whether it’s a hospital, pharmacy, or individual specialist, must obtain their own NPI number. This identification number is unique and is assigned upon application. In tod...

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Taxonomy Code 175F00000X
Display Name Naturopath
Taxonomy Group Other Service Providers
Taxonomy Classification Naturopath
Definition Diagnoses, treats, and cares for patients, using system of practice that bases treatment of physiological functions and abnormal conditions on natural laws governing human body: Utilizes physiological, psychological, and mechanical methods, such as air, water, light, heat, earth, phototherapy, food and herb therapy, psychotherapy, electrotherapy, physiotherapy, minor and orificial surgery, mechanotherapy, naturopathic corrections and manipulation, and natural methods or modalities, together with natural medicines, natural processed foods, and herbs and nature's remedies. Excludes major surgery, therapeutic use of x ray and radium, and use of drugs, except those assimilable substances containing elements or compounds which are components of body tissues and are physiologically compatible to body processes for maintenance of life.
Effective Date September 30, 2009
Modification Date September 30, 2009
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Other Taxonomy Codes

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Registered Nurse First Assistant

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Children's Hospital

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Surgical Technologist

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Recovery Care Clinic/Center

261QR0800X • providers: 190

Deactivated - Psychologist Men & Masculinity

103TM1700X • providers: 0

Indian Health Service/Tribal/Urban Indian Health (I/T/U) Pharmacy

332800000X • providers: 328

Geropsychiatric Psychiatric/Mental Health Clinical Nurse Specialist

364SP0813X • providers: 49

Rehabilitation Chiropractor

111NR0400X • providers: 3,168

Community Health Clinic/Center

261QC1500X • providers: 2,561

Ambulatory Care Registered Nurse

163WP2201X • providers: 1,933

Pediatric Emergency Medicine (Pediatrics) Physician

2080P0204X • providers: 2,393

Orthopaedic Hand Surgery Physician

207XS0106X • providers: 2,910

In Vivo & In Vitro Nuclear Medicine Physician

207UN0903X • providers: 17

Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Dentist

1223X0008X • providers: 179

Pulmonary Diagnostics Certified Respiratory Therapist

2278P1004X • providers: 44

Hospice and Palliative Medicine (Radiology) Physician

2085H0002X • providers: 9

Addiction (Substance Use Disorder) Psychologist

103TA0400X • providers: 623

Public Health or Welfare Agency

251K00000X • providers: 7,492