Taxonomy Code 175F00000X(175f00000x)
Naturopath. Providers: 6

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Naturopath Providers

NPI Name Type Address


Vital Living Llc


305 N Coast Hwy

Ste P

Laguna Beach, CA


DR. N.D. Dayne Michael Grove


1000 N Coast Hwy

Suite 8

Laguna Beach, CA


DR. N.D. Jessica Rose Siani


1000 N Coast Hwy

Suite 8

Laguna Beach, CA


ND Erica Cowan


255 Thalia St Ste B

Laguna Beach, CA


Pacific Coast Naturopathic Health


2007 S Coast Hwy Ste 100

Laguna Beach, CA


DR. ND Nishant A Rao


305 N Coast Hwy Ste P

Laguna Beach, CA

How to obtain, renew, or terminate an NPI

Every health care provider, whether it’s a hospital, pharmacy, or individual specialist, must obtain their own NPI number. This identification number is unique and is assigned upon application. In tod...

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Taxonomy Code 175F00000X
Display Name Naturopath
Taxonomy Group Other Service Providers
Taxonomy Classification Naturopath
Definition Diagnoses, treats, and cares for patients, using system of practice that bases treatment of physiological functions and abnormal conditions on natural laws governing human body: Utilizes physiological, psychological, and mechanical methods, such as air, water, light, heat, earth, phototherapy, food and herb therapy, psychotherapy, electrotherapy, physiotherapy, minor and orificial surgery, mechanotherapy, naturopathic corrections and manipulation, and natural methods or modalities, together with natural medicines, natural processed foods, and herbs and nature's remedies. Excludes major surgery, therapeutic use of x ray and radium, and use of drugs, except those assimilable substances containing elements or compounds which are components of body tissues and are physiologically compatible to body processes for maintenance of life.
Effective Date September 30, 2009
Modification Date September 30, 2009
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Other Taxonomy Codes

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Metabolic Nutrition Registered Dietitian

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Health Service Clinic/Center

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In Vivo & In Vitro Nuclear Medicine Physician

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Organ Procurement Organization

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Facial Plastic Surgery Physician

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Ophthalmic Technician/Technologist

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Neonatal/Pediatric Certified Respiratory Therapist

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Driving and Community Mobility Occupational Therapist

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Critical Care Certified Respiratory Therapist

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Neuropathology Physician

207ZN0500X • providers: 217

Advanced Practice Midwife

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Sports Medicine (Emergency Medicine) Physician

207PS0010X • providers: 290

Adult Congenital Heart Disease Physician

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Brain Injury Medicine (Psychiatry & Neurology) Physician

2084P0301X • providers: 20

Child Abuse Pediatrics Physician

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Immunopathology Physician

207ZI0100X • providers: 29