Taxonomy Code 174H00000X(174h00000x)
Health Educator. Providers: 7

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Health Educator Providers

NPI Name Type Address


Ashton Caton


2710 S Rife Medical Ln

Rogers, AR


Matthew Johnson


2708 S Rife Medical Ln

Rogers, AR


Elizabeth Hernandez


2710 S Rife Medical Ln

Rogers, AR


Collin Anderson


2112 S 54th St

Rogers, AR


Taylor N Price


5211 W Village Pkwy Ste 206

Rogers, AR


Karla Gutierrez


2710 Rife Medical Lane

Rogers, AR


Anna Wilkerson


5211 W Village Pkwy Ste 206

Rogers, AR

How to obtain, renew, or terminate an NPI

Every health care provider, whether it’s a hospital, pharmacy, or individual specialist, must obtain their own NPI number. This identification number is unique and is assigned upon application. In tod...

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Taxonomy Code 174H00000X
Display Name Health Educator
Taxonomy Group Other Service Providers
Taxonomy Classification Health Educator
Definition Health educators work in a variety of settings providing education to individuals or groups of individuals on healthy behaviors, wellness, and health-related topics with the goal of preventing diseases and health problems. Health educators generally require a bachelor's degree and may receive additional training, such as through mentoring, internships, or volunteer work.
Effective Date September 30, 2009
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Other Taxonomy Codes

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Long Term Care Pharmacy

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Hospice and Palliative Medicine (Anesthesiology) Physician

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Podiatric Clinic/Center

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State or Local Public Health Clinic/Center

261QP0905X • providers: 879

Infection Control Registered Nurse

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Advanced Practice Midwife

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Preventive Medicine/Occupational Environmental Medicine Physician

2083P0500X • providers: 1,421

Sports Medicine (Family Medicine) Physician

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Internist Chiropractor

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Aerospace Medicine Physician

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Radiologic Technologist

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Pulmonary Function Technologist

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Addiction Psychiatry Physician

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Advanced Practice Dental Therapist

125K00000X • providers: 77

Mobile Radiology Clinic/Center

261QR0208X • providers: 1,102

Blood Bank

331L00000X • providers: 36

Lithotripsy Clinic/Center

261QL0400X • providers: 195