Taxonomy Code 172V00000X(172v00000x)
Community Health Worker. Providers: 6

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Community Health Worker Providers

NPI Name Type Address


ADULT LIVING FACILIT Rjesus Luis Rodriguez


220 Nw 179th St

Miami Gardens, FL


Gretel Franch


4430 Nw 169th Ter

Miami Gardens, FL


Alvin Hill


18350 Nw 2nd Ave # Ane

Miami Gardens, FL


LCSW Lynette Dunn Pyles


17110 Nw 17th Ct

Miami Gardens, FL


Nathalie Narcisse


18610 Nw 8th Rd

Miami Gardens, FL


Diana Rosa Mejias Perez


2948 Nw 180th St

Miami Gardens, FL

How to obtain, renew, or terminate an NPI

Every health care provider, whether it’s a hospital, pharmacy, or individual specialist, must obtain their own NPI number. This identification number is unique and is assigned upon application. In tod...

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Taxonomy Code 172V00000X
Display Name Community Health Worker
Taxonomy Group Other Service Providers
Taxonomy Classification Community Health Worker
Definition Community health workers (CHW) are lay members of communities who work either for pay or as volunteers in association with the local health care system in both urban and rural environments and usually share ethnicity, language, socioeconomic status and life experiences with the community members they serve. They have been identified by many titles such as community health advisors, lay health advocates, "promotores(as), outreach educators, community health representatives, peer health promoters, and peer health educators. CHWs offer interpretation and translation services, provide culturally appropriate health education and information, assist people in receiving the care they need, give informal counseling and guidance on health behaviors, advocate for individual and community health needs, and provide some direct services such as first aid and blood pressure screening. Some examples of these practitioners are Community Health Aides or Practitioners established under 25 USC 1616 (l) under HHS, Indian Health Service, Public Health Service.
Effective Date September 30, 2009
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Other Taxonomy Codes

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Vehicle Modifications Contractor

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Allergy & Immunology (Internal Medicine) Physician

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Medical-Surgical Registered Nurse

163WM0705X • providers: 1,986

Emergency Care Clinic/Center

261QE0002X • providers: 1,229

Point of Service

305S00000X • providers: 2,502

Addiction (Substance Use Disorder) Counselor

101YA0400X • providers: 79,300

Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychologist

103TC2200X • providers: 4,646

Federal Public Health Clinic/Center

261QP0904X • providers: 118

Orthopedic Registered Nurse

163WX0800X • providers: 185

Emotionally Disturbed Childrens' Residential Treatment Facility

322D00000X • providers: 3,206

Psychiatric/Mental Health Clinical Nurse Specialist

364SP0808X • providers: 1,116

Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Physician

2080P0203X • providers: 3,096

Assisted Living Facility

310400000X • providers: 20,606

Transportation Network Company

342000000X • providers: 375

Emergency Care Certified Respiratory Therapist

2278E0002X • providers: 10

Women's Health Clinical Nurse Specialist

364SW0102X • providers: 188

Legal Medicine

173000000X • providers: 2,035

Neurorehabilitation Occupational Therapist

225XN1300X • providers: 568

Community Psychiatric/Mental Health Clinical Nurse Specialist

364SP0812X • providers: 29