Taxonomy Code 171M00000X(171m00000x)
Case Manager/Care Coordinator. Providers: 5

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Case Manager/Care Coordinator Providers

NPI Name Type Address


Priscilla Mann


111 Sandpiper Ave

Royal Palm Beach, FL


Robert Gilbert


2715 Pienza Cir

Royal Palm Beach, FL


Clara Ivon Jorge Gomez


115 Kapok Cres

Royal Palm Beach, FL


Yanique Sheca Parchment


308 Las Palmas St

Royal Palm Beach, FL


Marilyn F Solano


10312 Fox Trail Rd S

Royal Palm Beach, FL

How to obtain, renew, or terminate an NPI

Every health care provider, whether it’s a hospital, pharmacy, or individual specialist, must obtain their own NPI number. This identification number is unique and is assigned upon application. In tod...

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Taxonomy Code 171M00000X
Display Name Case Manager/Care Coordinator
Taxonomy Group Other Service Providers
Taxonomy Classification Case Manager/Care Coordinator
Definition A person who provides case management services and assists an individual in gaining access to needed medical, social, educational, and/or other services. The person has the ability to provide an assessment and review of completed plan of care on a periodic basis. This person is also able to take collaborative action to coordinate the services with other providers and monitor the enrollee's progress toward the cost-effective achievement of objectives specified in the plan of care. Credentials may vary from an experience in the fields of psychology, social work, rehabilitation, nursing or a closely related human service field, to a related Assoc of Arts Degree or to nursing credentials. Some states may require certification in case management.
Effective Date September 30, 2009
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