Taxonomy Code 146D00000X(146d00000x)
Personal Emergency Response Attendant. Providers: 8

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Personal Emergency Response Attendant Providers

NPI Name Type Address


MD Gloria E Castro


18 Calle Jupiter

Caguas, PR


M.D. Jose Juan Castro Hernandez


882 Via Platanal

Caguas, PR


M.D. Heraclio Fernandez Hernandez


172 Calle Hospital Menonita Caguas

Caguas, PR


Liara Mabel Perez


C12 Aa 16 4ta Secc Villa Del Rey

Caguas, PR


M.D. Mildred Denise Quinones Pardo


Ave L Munoz Marin

Hospital Hima-caguas

Caguas, PR


DR. M.D. Marcos Antonio Gonzalez Almeida


Plaza Del Carmen Mall #24, Calle Pino/172

Caguas, PR


Grupo Medico Loiza


130 Luis Munoz Marin Ave.

Suite 130

Caguas, PR


DR. Jose Miguel Rivera Velazquez


Plaza La Sierra Local #4 Carr. 172 Km. 20.3

Caguas, PR

How to obtain, renew, or terminate an NPI

Every health care provider, whether it’s a hospital, pharmacy, or individual specialist, must obtain their own NPI number. This identification number is unique and is assigned upon application. In tod...

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Taxonomy Code 146D00000X
Display Name Personal Emergency Response Attendant
Taxonomy Group Emergency Medical Service Providers
Taxonomy Classification Personal Emergency Response Attendant
Definition Individuals that are specially trained to assist patients living at home with urgent/emergent situations. These individuals must be able to perform CPR and basic first aid and have sufficient counseling skills to allay fears and assist in working through processes necessary to resolve the crisis. Functions may include transportation to various facilities and businesses, contacting agencies to initiate remediation service or providing reassurance.
Effective Date September 30, 2009
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