Taxonomy Code 126800000X(126800000x)
Dental Assistant. Providers: 1

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Dental Assistant Providers

NPI Name Type Address


Laima Astrauskas


1011 Valley River Way Ste 116b

Eugene, OR

How to obtain, renew, or terminate an NPI

Every health care provider, whether it’s a hospital, pharmacy, or individual specialist, must obtain their own NPI number. This identification number is unique and is assigned upon application. In tod...

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Taxonomy Code 126800000X
Display Name Dental Assistant
Taxonomy Group Dental Providers
Taxonomy Classification Dental Assistant
Definition An individual who may or may not have completed an accredited dental assisting education program and who aids the dentist in providing patient care services and performs other nonclinical duties in the dental office or other patient care facility. The scope of the patient care functions that may be legally delegated to the dental assistant varies based on the needs of the dentist the educational preparation of the dental assistant and state dental practice acts and regulations. Patient care services are provided under the supervision of a dentist. To avoid misleading the public, no occupational title other than dental assistant should be used to describe this dental auxiliary.
Effective Date September 30, 2009
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