Taxonomy Code 111NI0013X(111ni0013x)
Independent Medical Examiner Chiropractor. Providers: 5

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Independent Medical Examiner Chiropractor Providers

NPI Name Type Address


MS. D.C. Rachel Marie Berenbaum


133 E 58th St

New York, NY


DC Diana Vavikova


1 Maiden Lane, 4th Floor

New York, NY


DR. D.C. Gabriel Nadel


415 W 57th St

Suite B/c

New York, NY


Everest Chiropractic, P.c


415 W 57th St

Suite B/c

New York, NY


I Know My Chiro Chiropractic Wellness Pllc


352 7th Ave Rm 1002

New York, NY

How to obtain, renew, or terminate an NPI

Every health care provider, whether it’s a hospital, pharmacy, or individual specialist, must obtain their own NPI number. This identification number is unique and is assigned upon application. In tod...

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Taxonomy Code 111NI0013X
Specialization Independent Medical Examiner
Display Name Independent Medical Examiner Chiropractor
Taxonomy Group Chiropractic Providers
Taxonomy Classification Chiropractor
Definition A special evaluator not involved with the medical care of the individual examinee that impartially evaluates the care being provided by other practitioners to clarify clinical, disability, liability or other case issues.
Effective Date September 30, 2009
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Chiropractor Codes


111N00000X • providers: 139,899

Internist Chiropractor

111NI0900X • providers: 499

Neurology Chiropractor

111NN0400X • providers: 1,127

Nutrition Chiropractor

111NN1001X • providers: 1,456

Occupational Health Chiropractor

111NX0100X • providers: 337

Orthopedic Chiropractor

111NX0800X • providers: 1,391

Pediatric Chiropractor

111NP0017X • providers: 247

Radiology Chiropractor

111NR0200X • providers: 284

Rehabilitation Chiropractor

111NR0400X • providers: 3,168

Sports Physician Chiropractor

111NS0005X • providers: 3,017

Thermography Chiropractor

111NT0100X • providers: 61