Taxonomy Code 106S00000X(106s00000x)
Behavior Technician. Providers: 6

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Behavior Technician Providers

NPI Name Type Address


RBT Yvonna Burgess


250 Highgrove Dr

Covington, GA


MISS Nadiyah Anjail Hassan


195 Orchard Ln

Covington, GA


Lauren Edwards


9256 Tara Dr Sw

Covington, GA


MRS. MS Courtney Lynn Rose James


35 Westfield Way

Covington, GA


Quiana Chantelle Rodgers


9282 Fieldcrest Walk

Covington, GA


Khalilah Robinson


6202 Green Acres Dr Sw

Covington, GA

How to obtain, renew, or terminate an NPI

Every health care provider, whether it’s a hospital, pharmacy, or individual specialist, must obtain their own NPI number. This identification number is unique and is assigned upon application. In tod...

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Taxonomy Code 106S00000X
Display Name Behavior Technician
Taxonomy Group Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers
Taxonomy Classification Behavior Technician
Definition The behavior technician is a paraprofessional who practices under the close, ongoing supervision of a behavior analyst or assistant behavior analyst certified by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board and/or credentialed by a state (such as through licensure). The behavior technician is primarily responsible for the implementation of components of behavior-analytic treatment plans developed by the supervisor. That may include collecting data on treatment targets and conducting certain types of behavioral assessments (e.g., stimulus preference assessments). The behavior technician does not design treatment or assessment plans or procedures but provides services as assigned by the supervisor responsible for his or her work.
Effective Date September 30, 2009
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